Regular Events & Services
Monthly Luncheon Gatherings
Held on the third Saturday of each month, except in March when it is held on the last Saturday to coincide with the Annual General Meeting, and in December when it is held on the second Saturday to celebrate Christmas.
Members who intend to participate in the monthly gatherings are requested to contact their Area Coordinator one week before each luncheon gathering date to confirm their attendance and their preferred type of lunch (vegetarian/non-vegetarian) for catering purposes.
Weekly Fellowship of the Seniors
A number of Weekly Exercise sessions are held via the zoom. Members are usually notified of these sessions and zoom links by email.
Members meet socially, play indoor games, participate in exercise sessions, and celebrate birthdays every:​
Every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 1.30 pm at Huntingdale Community Centre (Cnr Germain Street and Huntingdale Road, Oakleigh South).
Every Thursday from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm at Black Flat Community Hall (685 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley)
Both National and International excursions are arranged by the Fellowship. Members will be notified of the destinations, costs and dates well in advance.
A monthly Newsletter is published and distributed during the first week in each month. A quarterly News Bulletin is published and distributed at the end of each quarter. Please see the Publications section for the latest Newsletter and News Bulletin.